Signs Your HVAC System Needs Repair Or Replacement

Signs Your HVAC System Needs Repair Or Replacement

The average HVAC system has a lifespan between 10-20 years. As an HVAC unit becomes older, it may have more frequent malfunctions and breakdowns. Additionally, worn-out HVAC systems are less energy efficient, increasing energy consumption and utility bills.

If these issues sound familiar, it may be time to consider repairs or a full system replacement. Our experienced HVAC professionals provide clients with comprehensive, reliable air conditioner service and furnace repairs. With years of expertise, our contractors can handle all models of residential and commercial HVAC systems.

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to address AC and furnace related concerns. It’s time to restore your comfort – contact Sea Breeze Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule HVAC repairs or installation for your Palm Coast, Florida home or business!

Your HVAC System Makes Loud Noises

If your AC unit is making questionable or concerning sounds while running, you should report this problem immediately to one of our technicians. The sound of scraping, grinding, or squealing can indicate that the air conditioner’s belt is misaligned or out of place.

It is essential to take action when these noises are detected quickly. Otherwise, this issue can also lead to damage to other parts. This additional damage can cause your HVAC repair appointment to be more expensive than anticipated, or it may demand a full new unit replacement.

Fix unpleasant AC sounds and experience improved comfort in your Palm Coast home. Contact our technicians today to schedule professional air conditioner repairs!

Strange Odors Are Emitted

A furnace or air conditioner that emits a burning or musty smell is in dire need of repairs. If you notice strange, peculiar odors emanating from your unit, shut it off immediately and notify our HVAC contractors.

A wire may have burned inside the AC or heating unit, or mold or mildew might have grown inside the HVAC system’s ductwork.

Fortunately, our certified technicians can help. The experienced team at Sea Breeze Heating & Air Conditioning can diagnose this issue and protect your family from poor indoor air quality, adverse health symptoms, and potential carbon monoxide poisoning.

Water Or Freon Leaks Are Found

Moisture emerging from an AC unit is often the result of a refrigerant leak. Because Freon is dangerous, you should never attempt to repair a refrigerant leak alone.

Besides a refrigerant leak, excess moisture on or around your AC unit can be caused by a broken tube meant to dispose of condensation. Either way, moisture near your air conditioner should be reported to our HVAC technicians. Contact us today to schedule A/C repair for your residential home or commercial business!

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