Why You Should Invest In Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

Why You Should Invest In Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a measurement used to evaluate the amount of airborne pollutants, contaminants, and allergens inside a residence.

At Sea Breeze Heating & Air Conditioning, our goal is to supply you and your Palm Coast family the best indoor air quality possible. With our advanced air filtration systems, air purification devices, and whole-home dehumidifiers, our HVAC technicians can keep you comfortable.

Turn your home into a sanctuary with clean, refreshing air that you can trust. Contact Sea Breeze Heating & Air Conditioning today for professional heating and cooling services!

Greater Health Benefits

Well-maintained indoor air quality is arguably one of the best investments you can make for your home.

This is because volatile organic compounds (VOCs), excessive dust, and hidden mold growth can significantly deteriorate your physical health. These contaminants can cause asthma, irritation, headaches, and trouble breathing.

Improving your home’s indoor air quality allows you to breathe easier and reduce bothersome health symptoms. Contact our HVAC contractors today for a complete indoor air quality audit and new HVAC system installation!

Enhanced Home Protection

Poor air quality can cause extensive damage to building foundations and home furnishings. A house with high humidity and moisture is the ideal environment for mold and mildew to proliferate. These mold spores can ruin the integrity and aesthetic of beautiful wooden furniture and floors, while excess water can lead to wood swelling.

Protect your valuables and belongings with Sea Breeze Heating & Air Conditioning’s HVAC services! Contact our team today to learn more about our superior air filtration, air purification, and air ventilation systems.

Decreased HVAC Repairs

Dirty air filters and air ducts can reduce the efficiency of your HVAC unit. As cold air attempts to travel through your filter, dust, dirt, allergens, and debris will block this air from escaping, leading to less air circulation throughout your home.

For fresher, colder air, it is essential to regularly clean your air ducts and replace your air filters with HEPA-grade filters that sufficiently clear out allergens, pollutants, and contaminants. For best performance results, it is recommended that you replace your HVAC system’s air filters every three months.

An effective HVAC system will also reduce emergency breakdowns and furnace and air conditioner repairs. With our expert indoor air quality services, you can save money on repair expenses today!

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